Modern personnell management covers the following aspects:

The module “Recruiting" enables the administration of all data concerning applications. This information does not only serve for statistical purposes but as well for a later processing in case of an engagement of the candidate.

In this connection we want to mention the possibility to enter all the personal data, i.e. address, age. etc. as well as the registration of the professional formation, the qualifications and further information regarding a particular applicant.

This module represents the heart of the system. Here, the maintenance of the complete personnel data is carried through, and all the integrated systems access this data base for further processing.

It offers three views on personnel data:

  • General Information:
    Address data, entries relating to social security contributions, etc.
  • Internal Information:
    Various internal codes
  • Pay-Roll Data:
    Salary, terms of payment, increases/decreases, bank code / account, terms of termination of employment

The division of the views has not only been designed with regard to a logical differentiation of the data but also in consideration of its variety.


This system offers a client-related and a project-related capacity planning of employees and shows the data in two different views:

Employee - Project View

This view shows all the employee’s planning data for a certain period of time. Weekends and public holidays are shown in the chosen colors.

The employee-project view is suited for the illustration and solution of conflicts, i.e. project entries which would exceed the user’s standard working hours..

Project - Employee View

This view shows all of a project’s planning data in a certain period of time. Weekends and public holidays are shown in the chosen colors.

The project-employee view is not suited for the illustration and solutions of conflicts, i.e. project assignments which represent an over-staffing of an employee. This view offers, however, the option of issuing a corresponding warning signal upon the entry of such data, if the corresponding option has been selected by the user.

This differentiation allows not only the planning for a project manager, who wants to staff employees on his projects, but enables also the presentation of data from the employee’s view.

In both cases the data is presented in the form of data sheets, as known from calculation programs. Both views, however, have the time reference in common, which can be set in many different ways.

The system offers as scheduling options days or weeks, which can be shown for a period of time of a month, a quarter of a year, or an entire year. For a day basis, every chosen day can be determined. The weekly presentation always starts on Monday.


Staffing is carried through with the help of the so-called point & click, i.e. the user selects a respective period of time and chooses the corresponding employee or project. If no other instructions are entered, the system automatically enters the default / standard working hours.


The so-called group staffing enables a staffing of several employees by only one step. A group is usually defined by a head of a department, who groups employees according to their qualification profile or their adherence to a team


A core feature of the staffing module is its ability to staff employees according to their availability. The system chooses all employees for the respective period of time according to their availability and proposes them for staffing.

With the help of availability reports, an occupancy evaluation in form of remaining working hours for an employees can be calculated, to furnish the responsible head of department data for a control and the progress of the planning. By this, available capacities as well as over-capacities can be discerned in time. Virtual employees, the so-called dummies, can successfully be integrated into such a calculation.

In general, the system allows an over-staffing of an employee, but assists the user to find a solution to the so-called conflict-staffing.


From the head of department’s view, it is often desirable to have a “what-if" calculation, which offers a forecast for future periods. The system retrieves data from the personnel administration module, where – with respect to standard working hours (e.g. full time, part time), hour rates, and the staffed hours – forecast calculations are offered. These calculations are carried through on a monthly basis and allow the use of so-called virtual employees. From the personnel administration’s view, those employees do not exist as yet and are not part of the personnel data. Those virtual employees are only at the disposition of the staffing module and are substitutes for future employees, or as a planning instrument for the assessment of a future staff demand.

The same holds true for projects. The head of department is able to plan future services, although they are not yet part of the project list

As soon as a new employee is engaged, or a corresponding contract is concluded with a client, the planning data of these virtual employees can be adopted. We want to refer here once again to the inclusion of virtual employees in the forecast, which illustrates such a situtation by means of figures.

An essential advantage offered by the staffing module is the differentiation from projects that can be charged, and those which do not affect the turn-over. Generally, these projects are activities as, e.g. acquisition or training. As a matter of fact, this differentiation affects also the forecast.

Training and Staffing are two interactive modules.

The module Training enables a planning of formative or carreer-enhancing steps in form of seminars, which have to be / can be attented by all employees with regard to their classification or already attended trainging courses.

The attendance at seminars is usually connected with gaining a certain kind of qualification to which can be refered to when the demand for qualified personnel arises.

The system offers considerable assistance in the planning process by generating a proposal listThis list takes the already attented seminars into consideration

As soon as an employee has been booked on a seminar, those dates are transfered to the module Staffing as a project entry. For this purpose, the training coordinator can administer project numbers for each seminar or comprise all entries under a single project number. These entries cannot be modified within staffing.

Here, too, everything revolves around the most important resource of your company – the employees. Everyone has a natural need to know how they come across to others, how their performance is viewed and whether they can make a profitable contribution to the company as a whole. Appraisals are therefore an important means of dealing consciously with employees.

In addition, topics such as career planning, job satisfaction and feedback from employees have a significant impact on this sensitive resource.

TCRESY is particularly characterized by the 360 degree feedback procedure. This principle, also known as “full circle feedback“, enables employees to be assessed and evaluated by superiors, subordinates, peers and customers of the company based on freely definable criteria. Evaluations can of course also be analyzed from a historical perspective, provided the criteria remain the same development trends become clear.

Due to the large number of people involved in the assessment, subjective impressions can be reduced to a minimum. This gives the individual the assurance of a fair and objective assessment and minimizes the threshold and potential reluctance to be assessed. In addition, every employee is integrated into the assessment process.